
Housing First Helps – Please answer a Survey Question

July 27, 2017 - 12:40 am / News

Housing First Helps

A “Housing First Helps” session  will be held at the 2017 National Conference on Ending Homelessness, October 25th – 27th, Winnipeg MB

What does your community and Housing First programs need help with?

There will be an “Ask the Housing First Expert” available at different tables on a variety of Housing First topics, concepts, best practices, and issues, all in one room!  Bring your questions and concerns to one or more of the expert tables to gain insights and have a casual discussion. The Housing First Helps session is to provide support to you and your community in a very informal way.  Don’t miss this opportunity, taking place the last day of the Conference, Friday, October 27th.

We want to hear from you! 

What topics or issues on Housing First do you want to discuss with our Experts? 

Let us know and we will make it happen!