
Community of Practice Webinar, Western Region July 20th, 10am MDT

July 13, 2017 - 6:28 pm / News

Please register for the Community of Practice webinar, CAEH Training and Technical Assistance Program, Western Region, on July 2oth, 2017  10am MDT:

The monthly regional Community of Practice webinars will provide Housing First, HP Communities, and CARH Training and Technical Assistance clientele with a regular opportunity to debrief, consult, and learn from our experts and your peers in the delivery of Housing First practices.  Each session will be facilitated by Wally Czech and Sam Tsemberis in addition to our faculty of trainers.  the monthly webinars will provide communities with updates, briefings, roundtable sharing, special case scenarios and topical presentations.  We invite all communities to ask their Housing First program leaders to participate in the monthly webinars.