Support Our Work

Every night over 35,000 Canadian men, women and children sleep in a shelter or on the street. Over the course of a year, more than 235,000 different Canadians will experience homelessness.

Homelessness is a national crisis that has lost its sense of urgency. We believe that this national crisis requires urgent and immediate action. We’re working with communities across Canada to help them apply proven approaches to transform homelessness systems, programs and policies toward the goal of ending homelessness.

With your help, we can end homelessness in Canada.

Please consider making a financial contribution to the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness. Your tax-deductible donation, made to the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness (Charitable Registration #803254804RR0001) through this page, supports the charitable work of the CAEH, including CAEH Training and Technical Assistance.

Thank you!

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Financé en partie par le gouvernement du Canada par le biais du volet de financement Capacité communautaire et innovation de Vers chez-soi : la stratégie canadienne de la lutte contre l’itinérance.